Why Did Dave Only Wear Green on Blues Clues

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The human hosts

     In general

Tropes shared by the hosts. These men have all owned Blue and lived in the Blue's Clues house.

  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: They talk to the viewers, to be expected from kid's show hosts.
  • Exploiting the Fourth Wall: Sometimes they ask the viewers for "help".
  • Inexplicably Awesome: Blue can skidoo, they can too... we don't know how, though.
  • Manchild: These grown men sleep with stuffed animals, sing nursery rhymes, and throw birthday parties for their dog.
  • Shaking the Rump: During the mail song, they shake their bottoms, pretending that they have a tail and is wagging it.
  • Token Human: Barring the kids in the video letters, the host is usually the only human character. The other main characters are animals and Animate Inanimate Objects.



Click to see Steve in the reboot https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/blues_clues_steve_reboot.png

Actor: Steve Burns

Blue's owner before he left for college. Blue's Clues & You! reveals that he now runs the Blueprints Detective Agency.

  • Badass Longcoat: As per typical dress for his profession, he wears a very slick beige trenchcoat after becoming a detective.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Sometimes has trouble hearing the viewers and/or asks very obvious questions, as well as a tendency to make bizarre guesses to the game's solution in the earlier episodes (For example, in "What Time is It For Blue?", when he has all three clues that indicate that it's Blue's nap time, he thinks it's time for her to wrap a pillow in a blanket and read it a story), but is not stupid. He also wants to get a degree in hopscotch.
  • Despair Event Horizon: He ends up suffering from this in Blue's Big Musical Movie over his failed attempts to find the clues before the viewers. Luckily, he eventually finds the last one first.
  • Iconic Outfit: His green striped shirt.
  • Keet: He is very upbeat and energetic.
  • Limited Wardrobe: Always wears a green striped shirt and brown pants.
  • Nice Hat: Wears a fedora to go with his private detective look (and also to hide his balding head)
  • Private Detective: Blue's Clues & You! reveals that he now runs a detective agency.
  • Running Gag: Generally, when viewers first find a clue, he'll tend to confuse them calling out "A clue!" with virtually any word that rhymes with clue. He even points out one time where he doesn't do this. (To be fair, Joe also did this, but not nearly as frequently.)
  • Took a Level in Badass: Seems that playing Blue's Clues was pretty good investigative field training, since, after he graduated college, he opened his own Detective Agency by the time Blue's Clues & You! takes place.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Likes anything with bananas in it. Banana cookies, banana muffins, etc.



Click to see Joe in the reboot https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/blues_clues_joe_reboot.png

Actor: Donovan Patton

Steve's younger brother. Blue's Clues & You! reveals that he works at the Present Store.

  • Cloudcuckoolander: Like Steve, he has trouble hearing the viewers.
  • Commuting on a Bus: Even though Josh took over his role as host, he still continues to make guest appearances on Blue's Clues & You!, even more so than Steve. He even gets to help celebrate Blue's Birthday, and join Josh and Blue in singing "Old Macdonald had a farm" in Bluestock.
  • Consistent Clothing Style: Joe wears different shirts but they always have a pattern of three squares on them.
  • Keet: Is just as enthusiastic as Steve.
  • Limited Wardrobe: Wore a shirt with squares on a horizontal line and brown pants. By Blue's Clues & You! the boxes are now presents.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: He and Steve are pretty similar in how they behave.
  • Unlimited Wardrobe: Wears a different color shirt every episode.



Actor: Joshua Dela Cruz

Steve and Joe's cousin, and Blue's current owner.

  • Affirmative Action Legacy: Contrasting his two white predecessors, Josh is Filipino.
  • Hollywood Genetics: Handwaved. The only explanation given as to how Steve and Joe are related to a Filipino is that he's their cousin. It's possible Josh may be mixed, a step-cousin, a distant cousin, or even adopted.
  • Keet: He's been shown to be very giddy and excitable. His introduction episode alone had him awe after skidooing for the first time, and him in shock over getting to sing "Mailtime" (in which he reacts with "I can't believe I get to sing this song"). His voice also gets rather squeaky when he gets excited. Possibly his most infamous example of this is in "Playdate with Magenta", where his reaction to being the first clue is even more over-the-top than when it happened to Steve. He goes complete Motor Mouth, and says that after waiting for so long, his dream is finally coming true. Many have compared this to fanboying.
  • Limited Wardrobe: A blue striped shirt and jeans. Remarkably similar to Steve's outfit.
  • Remember the New Guy?: Despite not knowing how to play Blue's Clues until his debut episode, everyone at the house appears to already know him.

Blue's Clues House residents

     In general

Tropes shared by all of the house residents.

  • Color-Coded Characters: The residents of the Blue's Clues House make up the whole spectrum, with each character having a different main color. Pail: red, Sidetable: orange, Shovel: yellow, Steve: green, Blue: blue, Slippery: lavender, Mailbox: purple, Tickety: pink, Paprika: dark brown, Cinnamon: light brown, Mrs. Pepper: gray, Mr. Salt: white. When Joe debuted, he changed the colors of his shirts, breaking the spectrum rule a bit.



Voice: Traci Page Johnson, Victoria Pontecorvo (Blue's Room)

The title character, a blue spotted dog. She communicates with her owners by leaving trails of paw print clues.

  • The Ageless: She's been a puppy for over 20 years. Handwaved in that she's a book character come to life.
  • Afraid of Needles: She was a bit afraid to get her injection in one episode.
  • Amazing Technicolor Wildlife: A blue dog.
  • Anthropomorphic Shift: In Blue's Room, she's capable of speaking and stands on two legs.
  • Cartoon Creature: Blue fur aside, she seems to be an ambiguous-looking breed of dog.
  • Character Tics: Runs in place when happy sometimes.
  • Color Character: Her name is Blue.
  • Genki Girl: She seems quite vibrant and enthusiastic.
  • Inexplicably Awesome: Able to jump "skidoo" into and out of pictures and leave blue paw prints on everything with no explanation as to how.
  • Intelligible Unintelligible: She cannot speak, but her friends understand her pretty well.
  • Nearly Normal Animal: It's unknown where she fits on the Sliding Scale of Anthropomorphism. She can understand English, use the human toilet, eat human food, brush her teeth, and go to school, but she walks on all fours and can't talk.
  • Sick Episode: In the book "Blue's Sniffly Day", she catches a cold.
  • Suddenly Speaking: Gains the ability to talk verbally in Blue's Room. Some of the later book releases also depict her as talking freely to the other characters in normal English.


Voice: Michael Rubin (original), David Burger (Blue's ABC Time Activities and Blue's Birthday Adventure PC games), Doug Murray (reboot)


The mailbox who lives in front of the Blue's Clues House. He delivers a letter to the host in each episode. He moves around on a rubbery "extendo" arm. He loves to crack jokes and wants to be a comedian when he grows up. In the original show, he talks with a thick Brooklyn accent.

  • Animate Inanimate Object: Is a talking mailbox.
  • Birthday Episode: "Mailbox's Birthday," the third episode of the entire series, is about Mailbox turning 10 years old.
  • Catchphrase: "Here's ya letter!", "You got an e-mail!" and "You're welcome!", both said while exaggerating his Brooklyn accent.
  • Cheery Pink: He's bright purple with a pink flag, and he's very cheerful.
  • A Dog Named "Dog": A mailbox named "Mailbox".
  • Dub Name Change: "Postbox" in the UK adaptation.
  • Image Song:
    • There's a little chant that repeats the phrase "mail time" to indicate his arrival. This is followed by the host singing a little ditty that ends with the word "MAIL!" shouted in a Pee-Wee Herman impression.
    • Then Steve sings "We just got a letter", while Josh sings "We just got an e-mail" afterwards.
  • Inexplicably Awesome: His extendo arm allows him to zoom anywhere in a split second, even when it makes no sense and shouldn't be able to stretch nearly that much.
  • Leitmotif: He tends to be represented by the music used for the game of musical chairs during his birthday party in "Mailbox's Birthday". "Blue's Birthday" added lyrics for when it was used for "Pin the Flag on Mailbox".
  • Vocal Dissonance: He is ten years old, yet has the voice of a middle-aged man.

     Sidetable Drawer


Voice: Aleisha LaNae Allen (original), Liyou Abere (reboot, season 1), Shazdeh Kapadia (reboot, season 2)

The keeper of the Handy Dandy Notebooks. The hosts visit Sidetable before each game of Blue's Clues. She is shy and soft-spoken and has a hidden talent for singing. In the original series, she was also the keeper of Steve's telephone.

  • Animate Inanimate Object: She's a talking side table.
  • Ascended Extra: In the first season, her only dialogue in every episode is either "Blue's Clues, I'm so excited!" or "I just love Blue's Clues!". She started to get more dialogue beginning in the second season. From Blue's Big Musical Movie on, she gets a more fleshed-out personality.
  • Beautiful Singing Voice: Blue's Big Musical Movie' shows that she's a very talented singer (which becomes a major part of her personality from that point on), and several characters comment on it.
  • The Blank: When she's not talking, she switches to an "inanimate form" with no face. She is the only one of the main characters who does this, despite how most of them are also talking objects like her.
  • Catchphrase: "Blue's Clues, I'm so excited!". Lampshaded in the game Blue's Birthday Adventure.
  • Character Development: In Blue's Big Musical Movie, she learns to speak up for herself and becomes less of a pushover.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Gets a major role in her own subplot of Blue's Big Musical Movie where she learns to overcome her shyness.
  • Extreme Doormat: She always wants to be a part of the action, but she's a complete pushover. In the movie, she really wants to be Blue's partner in the show, but she's too afraid to say anything and accepts the menial job of ticket-collector.
  • Hidden Depths: Eventually revealed to be a really good singer in Blue's Big Musical Movie; this becomes a major part of her character beginning with the fourth season.
  • In-Series Nickname: Steve and Joe usually just call her "Sidetable."
  • Invisible Anatomy: In "Nature", she holds a pair of binoculars and then puts them on her table despite not having any arms.
  • Mister Strangenoun: The name is three words.
  • The Quiet One: In the first three seasons of the series, she would usually only have one or two lines at the beginning of the episode before switching to an "inanimate form" for the remainder of the episode. Less so after she overcomes her shyness in Blue's Big Musical Movie.
  • Satellite Character: For most of the first season, she only interacted with Steve. She eventually gained a more fleshed-out personality and relationships with the rest of the cast.
  • Shrinking Violet: Best shown in Blue's Big Musical Movie, where she wants to sing, but is too nervous to ask.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Her first name is either spelled as one word (in-series and in the merchandise and books) or two words (like in the credits).
  • Vocal Evolution: Her voice gets lower and more mature in season six.

     The Spice Family


Mr. Salt's voice: Nick Balaban (original), Brad Adamson (reboot)

Mrs. Pepper's voice: Penelope Jewkes (original, season 1), Spencer Kayden (original, seasons 2–6), Gisele Rousseau (reboot)

Paprika's voice: Jenna Marie Castle (original, baby), Corrine Hoffman (original, toddler), Aleisha Allen (singing voice in Blue's Big Musical Movie), Shechinah Mpumlwana (reboot)

Cinnamon's voice: Annalivia Balaban (original), Jaiden Cannatelli (reboot, season 1), Niko Ceci (reboot, season 2)

A family of spice shakers. Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper are the parent figures of the house, who are always prepared to help Blue with some advice or a snack. They have four kids: Paprika, Cinnamon, and two baby twins named Sage and Ginger.

In "Blue's First Holiday," it is shown that Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper are also the owners of the house. The flashbacks reveal that they raised Steve and Joe themselves.

  • Age Lift: Both Paprika and Cinnamon are significantly older in the reboot series, ''Blue's Clues & You!''. Paprika is now a teenager, while Cinnamon is a young boy whose cap now resembles a baseball hat.
  • Animate Inanimate Object: A family of spice shakers.
  • Anthropomorphic Food: Well, food shakers.
  • The Baby of the Bunch: Paprika in the first three seasons. Cinnamon took over this role after he was born in the fourth season, with Sage and Ginger taking the role in the reboot.
  • Baby Talk: Paprika does that when she was a baby. She started to speak in complete sentences as a toddler.
  • Cheerful Child: Paprika. She was often one as an baby, moreso as a toddler.
  • Crossdressing Voices: In the original show, Cinnamon was voiced by Nick Balaban's daughter, Annalivia Balaban.
  • The Diaper Change: Cinnamon has his diaper changed and it was a plot point in "The Baby's Here".
  • Edible Theme Naming: With Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper, their last names are to do with food, with the kids it's their first names.
  • Last-Minute Baby Naming: Paprika named Cinnamon on the first day of his life, after deciding that "he looks like a Cinnamon".
  • Nice Hat: In the reboot, Cinnamon's shaker cap resembles a backwards ball cap to reflect he's gotten older.
  • Not Allowed to Grow Old: Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper have stayed the same age as they are since the flashbacks in "Blue's First Holiday", with no hints of getting older.
  • Plot-Relevant Age-Up: Cinnamon is now a small child in the reboot, with his shaker cap sporting a backwards flap to reflect the age. Paprika has also been aged up to a teenager. In the original, Paprika aged up from a baby to a toddler by season four.
  • Promoted to Opening Titles: Paprika in season four and Cinnamon in season five.
  • Supreme Chef: Mr. Salt is a good cook.
  • Third-Person Person: Paprika sometimes spoke like this as a baby.

     Shovel and Pail


Shovel's voice: Stephen Schmidt (original, seasons 1-3), Jonathan Press (original, Blue's Big Musical Movie and seasons 4-5), Thomas Sharkey (original, season 6), Leo Orgil (reboot)

Pail's voice: Marshall Claffy (original, seasons 1-4) Olivia Zaro (original, Blue's Big Musical Movie and A Playdate With Blue CD), Julia Wetherell (original, seasons 4-5), Nicole Gibson (original, season 6), Heather McLeod (Blue's Kindergarten PC game), Jordana Blake (reboot)

Two sandbox toys who live in the backyard. They accompany the hosts whenever a game of Blue's Clues takes place outside. They are interested in all kinds of plants and wildlife, and they want to be veterinarians when they're older. They are a brother (Shovel) and sister (Pail).

  • Animate Inanimate Object: Two talking sand toys.
  • A Dog Named "Dog": A shovel named "Shovel" and a pail named "Pail".
  • Divergent Character Evolution: While both characters have similar personalities, beginning in season three Shovel would be shown to be a bit more shy and gullible than Pail.
  • Dub Name Change: In the UK adaptation, their names are changed to Spade and Bucket, since those terms are far more common in British English.
  • Friend to All Living Things: They love all of the animals they find outside, and they want to be veterinarians when they're older.
  • Friend to Bugs: They're good friends with Snail.
  • Invisible Anatomy: They are sometimes shown to pick up and hold items even without hands.
  • Outdoorsy Gal: Pail.
  • Palette Swap: Shovel is yellow with a red mouth, while Pail is red with a yellow mouth.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: Shovel and Pail are occasionally shown talking to (and understanding) non-anthropomorphic animals, such as a friendly gopher who shows up in early episodes.

     Tickety Tock


Voice: Kathryn Avery (original, seasons 1-4), Kelly Nigh (original, Blue's Big Musical Movie, A Playdate With Blue CD, and seasons 4-6), Stephanie Searson (Blue's ABC Time Activities and Blue's Birthday Adventure PC games), Ava Augustin (reboot)

The alarm clock who wakes the residents of the Blue's Clues House each morning. She is very number-oriented, likes to keep schedules, and often helps the host out with basic math. She lives on Blue's nightstand.

  • Alliterative Name: Tickety Tock.
  • Animate Inanimate Object: A sentient clock.
  • Cheery Pink: She's partially colored pink and very sweet and cheerful.
  • Cue O'Clock: She has the ability to display a symbol related to whatever's happening in the episode in the 12 position.
  • Good with Numbers: Tickety has a knack for math.
  • In-Series Nickname: Sometimes gets called just "Tickety".
  • Irony: In season one's "The Trying Game", it turns out Tickety, a clock, does not know how to tell time until Steve and the audience help her.
  • Meaningful Name: Was named that because clocks go "tick-tock".
  • Odd Friendship: With Slippery.

     Slippery Soap


Voice: Cody Ross Pitts (original, seasons 1-3), Patrick Van Wagenen (original, season 4-6), Sean Hanely (original; season 6 in "Legend of the Blue Puppy" only), Evan Dorfman (original; singing voice), Jacob Soley (reboot)

Tickety's best friend, a bar of soap who lives in the bathroom sink. He is very clumsy and tends to slide around wherever he goes. He dreams of becoming the captain of a boat when he grows up.

  • Alliterative Name: Slippery Soap.
  • Catchphrase: "Whoaaaa!"
  • I Meant to Do That: Often says something like this after messing up.
  • In-Series Nickname: Sometimes gets called just "Slippery".
  • The Klutz: He is extremely clumsy and can't get around without slipping and sliding. He usually takes his clumsiness in stride, with the exception of Blue's Big Musical Movie, in which his slipping almost ruins the show and makes him want to give up. Slippery's friends use a song, "Don't Give Up," to help him feel better and go on with the show.
  • Meaningful Name: Is a bar of soap and he often slips on himself.
  • Mister Strangenoun: His name is an adjective and a noun.
  • Odd Friendship: With Tickety.



Voice: Koyalee Chanda (original), Diane Salema (reboot)

Another dog, who lives nearby.

  • Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: Starts wearing purple glasses beginning with season three's "Magenta Gets Glasses". In the reboot, she gets them as early as season one's "Getting Glasses with Magenta".
  • Advertised Extra: While she appears on most merchandise made for the original series, she usually would only appear a few times a season. Averted with the reboot, where she appears much more frequently.
  • Amazing Technicolor Wildlife: Is a purplish-pinkish dog.
  • Ascended Extra: Has more frequent appearances in the reboot.
  • Bespectacled Cutie: An adorable puppy who begins wearing glasses in the third season (and late in the first season in the reboot).
  • Cartoon Creature: Just like Blue, she seems to be an ambiguous-looking breed of dog.
  • Cheery Pink: A cheerful magenta puppy.
  • Color Character: Just like Blue, she is named after her colour.
  • A Day in the Limelight: She has a main role in the episode "Magenta Gets Glasses", and its remake, "Getting Glasses With Magenta". The remake even has her joining Blue leaving clues, calling it "Blue and Magenta's Clues".
  • Genki Girl: Just as playful and excitable as Blue.
  • Inconsistent Coloring: Her nose is dark pink in most stock art, merchandise, and the reboot, while it appears more reddish in the original series and the earlier PC games.
  • Leitmotif: "Magenta's Coming Over", a piece of upbeat background music from "Magenta Comes Over" that played when she arrives at Blue's house, often accompanies her appearances and several toys of her from the original would play it. The album A Playdate With Blue would give it lyrics as "Truly A Friend".
  • Palette Swap: Has Blue's model down to the same spots, just colored magenta and later on gained glasses. One exception is that her pawprint is shown on her right paw on merchandise for the original series as opposed to Blue's left.
  • Promoted to Opening Titles: Beginning in the fourth season. Ironically, it's the only season where she doesn't appear in any episodes outside of the opening, photos, drawings, and in the credits of "Steve Goes to College".
  • Rose-Furred Sweetie: A magenta furred dog with a cheerful personality.
  • Suddenly Speaking: Even though she only speaks in barks like Blue does, some of the book releases depict her as talking freely to the other characters in normal English.

     Green Puppy

Voice: Adam Peltzman

A dog who goes to Blue's school.

  • Adapted Out: This appears to be the case in the reboot, as any remakes of the original series' episodes that featured her have Magenta take her place. She is mentioned in a video on the show's YouTube channel that adapted "Blue's Big Holiday" from the original, but it's unknown if she'll ever make a proper appearance in the show.
  • Amazing Technicolor Wildlife: Is, just as the name suggests, a green puppy.
  • Bully Bulldog: Averted. Green Puppy appears to be a bulldog and tends to play a little rougher compared to Blue or Magenta, but is otherwise very friendly.
  • Cartoon Creature: Downplayed compared to Blue and Magenta- while the latter two are of a more ambiguous-looking dog breed, Green Puppy appears to be a bulldog.
  • Catchphrase: Does a "Bow-BOW!" bark every time she knocks over a block tower.
  • Color Character: Green Puppy.
  • Crossdressing Voices: Voiced by Adam Peltzman, who was also a writer for the series.
  • Cute Little Fangs: The only one of the puppy characters to have them, too.
  • A Day in the Limelight: She gets a bigger role in the episode "Blocks".
  • In-Series Nickname: Sometimes she gets referred to as simply "Green".
  • Innocently Insensitive: In her first appearance in "Blue's Sad Day". Blue feeling sad was caused by Green Puppy knocking down her block tower at school. While she came to Blue's house to apologize, she still continued to knock down Blue's block towers until Blue gave her her own pile of blocks to play with and knock down. Green Puppy wasn't intentionally being malicious; that was just how she likes to have fun and didn't consider how Blue felt. After that, they become good friends.
  • Species Surname: Green Puppy.
  • Suddenly Speaking: Even though she only speaks in barks, some of the book releases depict her as talking freely to the other characters in normal English.
  • Tomboyish Voice: Is more of a tomboy compared to Blue and Magenta and has a deeper bark to emphasize this.

     Orange Kitten

Voice: Caitlin Hale (original, 1998-2002), Naelee Rae (original, 2002-2005), Nicole Gibson (Blue Takes You To School PC game), Glee Dango (reboot)

Another classmate of Blue's.

  • Color Character: Has "Orange" in her name.
  • In-Series Nickname: Sometimes referred to as simply "Orange".
  • Informed Judaism: "Blue's Big Holiday" shows that she and her owner, Sam, are Jewish, and celebrate Hanukkah.
  • Palette Swap: Has a few, in the forms of Green Kitten and Blue Kitten. Two others, Red Kitten and Yellow Kitten, only appear in the PC games.
  • Species Surname: Orange Kitten.
  • Talking Animal: A talking kitten.

     Purple Kangaroo

Voice: Max Behren (original), Alexander Claffy (Blue's Big Musical)

A classmate of Blue's.

  • Amazing Technicolor Wildlife: His name is what he is: a purple kangaroo.
  • Animal Gender-Bender: Averted in the original series, where he's not given a pouch due to being a male kangaroo. Played straight in the reboot and the computer games based on the original, however.
  • Color Character: Purple Kangaroo.
  • Depending on the Artist: In the PC games, he has a pink nose (as opposed to black) and a pouch. This carries over to the reboot.
  • Palette Swap: Has two in the form of Pink Kangaroo (who is also female) and Green Kangaroo.
  • Species Surname: His last name is Kangaroo, which is what he is.
  • Talking Animal: A talking kangaroo.


Voice: Cameron Bowen (season 3), Kenny Kim (seasons 4–5), Jansen Panettiere (season 6), Victoria Pontecorvo (Blue Takes You To School PC game), Luxton Handspiker (reboot)

A cat who lives nearby and likes to do magic tricks. He moves to the neighborhood in season three's "Blue's Big Mystery".

  • Anthropomorphic Shift: He's bipedal in the reboot, while in the original he walked on all four legs.
  • Catchphrase: His magic words: "Peri pocus ocus crocus!".
  • Cat Smile: His default smile.
  • Character Tics: Wiggling his ears.
  • Color Character: Light periwinkle.
  • Cute Kitten: He's a very cute looking kitten.
  • Crossdressing Voices: In the PC game Blue Takes You To School, he's voiced by Victoria Pontecorvo (who would perform Blue's speaking voice in Blue's Room).
  • Expressive Ears: Seen noticeably in the reboot when he droops his ears while talking about his worries regarding fitting into the new neighborhood.
  • Four Legs Good, Two Legs Better: Unlike the dogs, Periwinkle can talk, and unlike them, he walks on two legs in the reboot.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Peri".
  • Inconsistent Coloring: Some toys of him make the white parts of his fur a lighter periwinkle shade while the stripes are darker.
  • Promoted to Opening Titles: In most later season three episodes, he can he found hiding behind the tire swing in the opening sequence, and then appearing more prominently beginning with the fourth season.
  • She's a Man in Japan: He's female in the UK dub.
  • Stage Magician: What he wants to be.
  • Talking Animal: A talking cat.

     Miss Marigold

Blue's teacher.

  • Adaptation Species Change: In the original Blue's Clues, Miss Marigold was an African-American human woman. In Blue's Clues & You, she is a pink hippo.

Blue's Room

     Polka Dots

Voice: Tim Lagasse (Blue's Room segments in the original series and the first episode of the spinoff), Peter Linz (Blue's Room, season 1), unknown (Blue's Room, season 2), Gagan Graham-Arbuthnot (reboot)

Blue's stuffed puppy friend. Polka Dots was Blue's favorite stuffed toy, who came to life in Blue's Room. Previously seen on the Blue's Clues episodes "Blue Goes to the Doctor" and "Meet Polka Dots!'", this character was referred to as female in those episodes, but is portrayed as male in Blue's Room. He would later appear in Blue's Clues & You; he is featured in an episode of the podcast based on the series called Story Time with Josh & Blue and would make an in-series appearance in "Sleeping Singalong With Blue". He also is featured as a light-up "lovey" with the Bedtime Blue plush toy merchandise release.

  • Children Voicing Children: In the reboot, Polka Dots was voiced by Gagen Graham-Arbuthnot who was 11 years old the time of the show's run.
  • Living Toys: He can come to life inside Blue's Room.
  • Third-Person Person: In the reboot, he almost always refers to himself in the third person.

    Polka Dots: "Polka Dots needs something else."

     Roar E. Saurus

     Frederica "Fred"

Voice: Cheryl Blaylock

A princess rag doll who likes to pretend that every day is her birthday.

  • Cool Crown: She wears one.
  • Genki Girl: She's often very excitable.
  • Living Toys: A talking rag doll.

     Silly Seat


Voice: Peter Linz (Blue's Room segments in the original series and season 1 of the spinoff), unknown (Blue's Room, season 2)

An easel who likes drawing pictures and playing a game called "Doodle Doodle Guess".

  • Animate Inanimate Object: He's a talking easel.

     Dress Up Chest

Voice: Tim Lagasse (Blue's Room segments in the original series and the first episode of the spinoff), Tyler Bunch (remainder of Blue's Room)

A chest who holds costumes for Blue and her friends to wear.

  • Animate Inanimate Object: He's a talking chest.


Voice: Joey Mazzarino

Blue's baby brother. He is introduced in a special to premiere the show's second season and then appears in installments after that.

  • The Baby of the Bunch: In Blue's Room.
  • Cousin Oliver: Introduced in the second season of Blue's Room (which crossed over with the main series and served as the series finale for the original) as a younger addition to the main cast.
  • Last Episode, New Character: Subverted. "Meet Blue's Baby Brother" marked the final episode of the original series, but the beginning of the second season of Blue's Room.



     Handy Dandy Journal

Voice: Brianna Gentilella

A journal that Blue writes in.


Voice: Brianna Gentilella

A dictionary that contains the "word of the day".

Episodic Characters


Actor: Shannon Walker Williams

Magenta's owner, and one of Steve's only friends his age. She is one of the few other live-action characters on the show. She only appears in "Shy" and "Magenta Gets Glasses".

  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: She disappears after "Magenta Gets Glasses". When Joe and Blue house sit for Magenta in "Magenta's Messages", Miranda is neither seen nor referenced.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: Aside from a very brief Ship Tease moment in "Shy", Steve and Miranda were not romantically interested in each other.
  • Women Are Wiser: She's a bit sharper than Steve; she actually remembers to get the Notebook out after finding a clue.

     The Colors

Voices: Mia Swami-Nathan (Red), ??? (Vermillion, Marigold), Meesha Contreras (Orange, Aquamarine), Jacob Soley (Yellow), Logan Nicholson (Chartreuse, Purple), Lucas Nguyen (Green), Jessica Du (Blue, Violet, Magenta) (Blue's Clues & You! version)

A group of sentient, talking color drops that communicate with Joe (Josh in the reboot's version) and Blue. They lived in a book about colors in the original, but they live in an app in Josh's notebook tablet in the reboot. They only appear in "Colors Everywhere" and its remake, "Colors Everywhere with Blue".

  • Animate Inanimate Object: They are talking color drops.
  • Children Voicing Children: All of the colors are voiced by actual kids.
  • Fusion Dance: In order to make a secondary (like orange, green, and purple) or tertiary color (like vermillion, marigold, charteuse, aquamarine, violet, and magenta), two of the colors fuse with each other.
  • Gender Flip: Some of the colors' genders changed in the reboot. For example, Orange and Aquamarine were female in the original, but are male in the reboot, complete with having the voice of a young boy.
  • Name's the Same: Some of the colors have the same name as other characters, including Orange (sharing the same name as Orange Kitten), Green (sharing the same name as Green Puppy), Blue (sharing the same name as Blue Puppy), Purple (sharing the same name as Purple Kangaroo), and Marigold (sharing the same name as Miss Marigold)
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: To the sentient paint drops in the episode "Adventures in Art".


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/BluesClues

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